The foundation provides the results of research and various domestic and international information pertaining to expressways in order that they can be widely disseminated and utilized in Japanese society.
Monthly Journal: Expressway and Automobiles

This monthly journal covers various issues and engineering topics pertaining to expressways and automobiles.
Roads and Transportation Study Paper Award
With the aim of supporting up-and-coming researchers and promoting research by practitioners in the field of roads and transportation, we award the Roads and Transportation Study Paper Award in two categories, economics and engineering, for the best research papers published in Expressway and Automobiles.
Publication of Research Results, etc.

The foundation sells our research reports and expressway-related books.
Browsing of Research Reports and Relevant Materials
We provide a service allowing for browsing of the materials such as our research reports, expressway-related books and world road information collected by our foundation.
Collection and Provision of World Road-Related Information
The foundation translates and provides available information from journals, reports, websites, and other sources of foreign road-related institutions that would be useful to Japanese expressway operations, as well as international road-related data collected thorough our research activities.
Hosting of Lectures

The foundation hosts lectures on domestic and foreign current-day topics pertaining to expressways by academic experts, government officials as well as experts from expressway companies and other private companies.
Hosting of Research Presentation
The foundation hosts a research results presentation meeting every year with the aim of widely publicizing our research results and the results of research funded by the Foundation’s research grants and prompting their utilization.
Exchange with International Road Organizations
The foundation is a member of several international road organizations and uses the conferences it attends to make information exchange, technology and people-to-people exchanges. We utilize the useful information and data collected there as basic materials for our research and we also make reports on the conferences we attend.